Final Word from Tuesday, September 10, 2024

After German Interior Min. Nancy Faeser of SPD imposed migration controls on the remaining borders with Germany yesterday, Pres. Reinhard Sager of the German Districts Association said that it was about time. "We must now ensure that fewer people arrive so that we can breathe again in the districts," he said, adding that he expects the federal government to act quickly and decisively. It was Sager's party, CDU, that welcomed a huge influx of migrants in 2015-2016. MP Gunther Krichbaum, also CDU, said in HN today that the controls are necessary because the EU's external borders aren't being protected enough. Protecting the borders will be a main issue in the debate tonight between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. As in Germany, the migration problem in the U.S. has reached such a magnitude that there is no real solution, despite what Harris or Trump might say. They, like German politicians, can only win points by making promises that are nearly impossible to keep. The Czech debate will be affected by this. Politicians will be judged more than before by what they say and do to prevent a migration crisis from ever developing. [ Czech Republic illegal Schengen Europea Union ]

Glossary of difficult words

influx - an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things.

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