Final Word from Thursday, March 21, 2024

The unrelenting truth is that when you give someone a bigger piece of the pie, someone else must be deprived the same pleasure. When ANO got 39.0% in the latest Kantar poll for Czech TV on March 10 and surprised everyone, someone else had to be disappointed. It wasn't only ODS and its Spolu coalition partners with their mere 20.0% who had to make up the difference, but also SocDem, Přísaha/Oath and KSČM. The March poll gave these three alternative parties significantly less of a chance to pass the 5% threshold compared to Feb. Yet these three are now among the biggest potential winners from the special session in Parliament this week about the security risk posed by Andrej Babiš of ANO. Babiš went so far overboard in defending himself yesterday against accusations of being a threat that he turned off some of those who are looking for an anti-systemic solution to Petr Fiala. ANO will no doubt fall back in the next Kantar poll, but it would be odd if a bigger piece of the pie didn't go to the alternative parties. The end result of "Antibabiš 2.0" could be to give Babiš more potential coalition partners to choose from. [ Czech Republic non-systemic antisystemic nonsystemic Communist Party ČSSD Televison OVM Otázky Václav Moravce Václav Moravec ]

Glossary of difficult words

unrelenting - not yielding in strength, severity or determination;

to deprive - to prevent (a person or place) from having or using something;

to go overboard - to do something too much; to be too excited or eager about something;

to turn someone off - to make someone stop feeling interested or excited;

to fall back - to become lower in value or amount, esp. after getting higher.

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