Final Word from Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Pres. Petr Pavel visited the lower chamber of Parliament yesterday and called on MPs to think about the "huge number" of voters whose votes were wasted and who are frustrated because they don't have representation in Parliament. Newly elected CEO Jan Souček of Czech TV said something similar on Fri. He told Czech Radio that as many as 20% of the people in European countries feel in times of crisis that they've been forgotten by society and by the media and that Czech TV should analyze the situation and try to understand and alleviate these feelings. Souček's counterpart at Czech Radio, René Zavoral, had similar ambitions during his first years as the CEO of the station. Yet when he joined forces with the Association of Independent Media, mainstream media outlets such as Aktuálně and Deník N attacked him so fiercely that he backed down. If Souček wants ČT to start speaking for those with wasted votes and others it has been neglecting, he'll have to show greater fortitude. [ Czech Republic Television GM House ]

Glossary of difficult words

to alleviate - to make (suffering, deficiency or a problem) less severe;

fortitude - courage in pain or adversity; strength of character;

to neglect - to disregard; not to pay proper attention to.


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FS Final Word