Final Word from Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Czech Industry Min. Jozef Síkela (STAN) and German Economy Min. Robert Habeck (Greens) signed a document in Prague yesterday called a "Joint statement regarding energy security." Some media outlets called it an "agreement," but it is more a plea for agreement. "We stand united to provide operational cooperation and coordination in case of complete disruption of gas supplies which may occur in upcoming weeks," it says consensually in English. More telling than what Síkela or Habeck said at their joint press briefing was what Habeck told ARD of Germany. When asked if gas solidarity is a benefit to Germany or just means giving up gas when it is scarce, he responded that European solidarity is very important for Germany because it has no LNG terminals and needs gas from the Netherlands, Belgium, France or Norway. If everyone just looks after himself, he said, it will soon get very painful for Deutschland. Habeck came to Prague, but he was pleading to Europe. [ Czech Republic appeal climate change minister television TV ]
Glossary of difficult words
plea - a request made in an urgent and emotional manner;
consensually - in a manner involving consent or consensus;
telling - having a striking or revealing effect; significant;
to plead - to make an emotional appeal.