Final Word from Monday, July 11, 2022

When reporter Darlene Superville of AP mentioned to Joe Biden in Madrid in late June that 85% of Americans think their country is headed in the wrong direction and that some world leaders he was meeting with think this too, Biden responded that they do not think that. "You haven't found one person - one world leader - to say America is going backwards," he said. When a Blesk viewer (at 32m) asked Petr Fiala on Fri. when his government is going to start helping people who don't qualify for assistance but who can be worse off after paying everything on their own than those who get welfare, Fiala said that this is not true. If someone gets into financial trouble and does not have enough for rent, energy and other living costs, he said, there is rather massive state support available. Yet a STEM poll found that 84% of respondents think that the cabinet isn't doing much to prevent a significant increase in poverty in the country. Both Biden and Fiala, it seems, are in the denial phase. [ Czech Republic stage Associated Press Spain Nato United States of America TV television social ]

Glossary of difficult words

denial phase/stage - a state of refusal to acknowledge an unacceptable truth or emotion or to admit it into consciousness, used as a defense mechanism; in the mourning process, a period characterized by feelings of powerlessness and helplessness.

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