Final Word from Monday, May 30, 2022
Industry Min. Jozef Síkela (STAN) revealed some of the details to Právo on Sat. of a special energy rate that he has been promising households for about three months. He left many questions unanswered but made it clear that it won't be a tariff that is reserved only for the needy. Every household will qualify for it, although those who don't want it will be able to waive it (no joke). Not mentioned at all was how this ties in with the offer of Pavel Tykač of Sev.en Energy to sell 3 TWh of electricity per year to the government at a 20% discount, as a way for Tykač to avoid large security deposits on the energy exchange. Finance Min. Zbyněk Stanjura (ODS) told Týdeník Echo that Tykač's offer and the special rate are part and parcel of the government's plan. So, an oligarch gets involved and a benefit for the needy is suddenly expanded to include everyone at a much higher cost to the state? If Andrej Babiš were still the PM, the opposition would be screaming that this is another of his shady deals. [ Czech Republic terawatt welfare social ]
Glossary of difficult words
to waive - to refrain from insisting on or using (a right or claim);
to tie in with - to have or create a close association with or connection to something;
part and parcel - a basic and necessary part of (something);
shady - of doubtful honesty or legality.