Final Word from Thursday, January 27, 2022

The appointment of ex-Finance Min. Miroslav Kalousek of TOP 09 to the relatively minor post of vice chair of VZP medical insurer is enough to get the Pirates up in arms. Pirates MP Jakub Michálek doesn't see the need to remind people of the unpopular government of Petr Nečas or to give the opposition such an easy target. The timing is a godsend for ODS, though, because it has its own specter from the past that could bring to mind another unpopular government. Co-founder Miloš Růžička of Bison & Rose PR agency, who was an adviser to Interior Min. Milan Chovanec in the cabinet of Bohuslav Sobotka, is now advising PM Petr Fiala and is the subject of speculation about his role in the placement by Bison & Rose of a smear article on the day of the confidence vote about one of STAN's sponsors. Vice Chair Stanislav Polčák of STAN told Petr Kolář of MFD that Fiala wouldn't be sane to tolerate something like that. Yet Sobotka did for many years, and look where it got him. [ Czech Republic public relations ČSSD health ]

Glossary of difficult words

up in arms - to be angry; to protest about something;

godsend - a very helpful or valuable event, person or item;

specter - a ghost;

smear (article) - an attempt to damage a group or individual with the aim of undermining the group's or person's credibility;

sane - of sound mind.

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