Final Word from Tuesday, February 2, 2021

What would happen if the Constitutional Court decided now to strike down passages of the electoral law that set higher thresholds (10%, 15%, etc.) for coalitions to get into Parliament and that favor large parties in the allocation of seats? It would be a huge moral victory for the senators from STAN, TOP 09 and KDU-ČSL who filed the complaint. But it would also put the fate of these same 5% parties in question. They are attractive coalition partners for the Pirates and ODS precisely because of the unfair advantage given to large parties or coalitions. A coalition can be greater than the sum of its parts. If the high court strikes down this advantage, the Pirates and ODS will have to rethink their strategies. Instead of helping to save 2-3 small parties with the hope of a huge payout on election day, they might decide it is better to let these competitors die. It wouldn't be an easy calculation to make, because of all of the unknown variables. By opposing "irresponsible interference" by the Constitutional Court, Pres. Miloš Zeman was of course mainly helping ANO, but he was also in effect helping indirectly to save the 5% parties. [ Czech Republic election ]

Glossary of difficult words

threshold - a level, rate or amount at which something comes into effect;

payout - a large amount of money paid to someone; a final outcome or result.

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