Final Word from Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Andrej Babiš's toughest deal just got even tougher. In the political phase of the negotiations to form a new Czech government, the new request yesterday by the police to lift the immunity of Andrej Babiš and Jaroslav Faltýnek in the Stork's Nest matter is a deal killer. How can a person charged with a crime become the PM of an EU and Nato country? Can't be done. However, in the commercial phase of negotiations, the new police request merely raises Babiš's cost of doing business. Instead of taking over 60-70% of ministries, agencies and state-owned companies, perhaps he will now only be able to demand 50-60%. The biggest victory for Babiš's rivals would be for him to concede ČEZ to them - no management changes, no criminal charges for past actions, autonomy in spinning off assets at the right price to the right buyers and freedom in choosing who builds the new nuclear reactors. It's a high price to pay, but no one ever said that acquiring a country would be cheap. [Czech Republic coalition offices]

Glossary of difficult words

cost of doing business - an expense necessary for operating a business and making a profit;

deal killer - something so serious that it makes the conclusion of an agreement impossible;

to concede - to surrender or yield (a possession, right, or privilege);

to spin off - to sell off part of a company to create a new company.


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FS Final Word