Final Word from Monday, April 10, 2017

In the latest season of Homeland, a rogue group within the CIA stages a terrorist attack in the middle of New York for the purpose of scuppering the Iran nuclear agreement and forcing the president-elect to change her policy toward that country. Yes, the fictional president-elect is a woman. She's a Hillary-like figure who has a Trump-like skepticism toward the intelligence services. In real life, Czech Amb. to the U.S. Hynek Kmoníček told Czech TV on Thur. that there is not a single logical reason for Bashar al-Assad to carry out something like a chemical-weapons attack three days after receiving everything he was yearning for all this time (a change in U.S. policy on removing him). "Assad is everything," Kmoníček said, "except an illogical crazy man." Asked if he didn't think Assad had motivation to carry out such an attack, Kmoníček said he sees lots of motivation on the part of others. That's about as close as a diplomat of an EU/Nato country can get to saying that Assad might have been framed by a rogue group that wanted to reverse Trump's policy of tolerance toward the Syrian leader. [Czech Republic Showtime Central Intelligence Agency Television ČT24]

Glossary of difficult words

rogue agent - a member of a government intelligence agency or military unit who starts operating on his own authority;

to scupper - to thwart; to prevent from working or succeeding;

to yearn for - to long for; to want badly;

to frame someone - to produce false evidence against an innocent person so that he or she appears guilty.

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