Final Word from Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Petr Nečas never misses a chance to boast about what his cabinet has done to combat corruption. In Právo on Sat., for example, he said that not even journalists question his resolve in getting rid of ministers suspected of corruption. He also gave the standard praise to the new public-procurement law. Yet many government contracts remain shrouded in intransparency. MP Jan Farský of TOP 09 wants to deal with this by creating a registry of public contracts and requiring all national, regional and municipal governments and the companies they own to post all their contracts and orders on the internet, even if the entities aren't subject to the public-procurement law. Of course this will be fiercely opposed by ČEZ and the other leading adversaries of more transparency. The biggest opposition in Parliament can be expected from the likes of Petr Tluchoř, Boris Šťastný and Marek Šnajdr from within Nečas's own party. If only Nečas could show as much resolve against them as he did against the justice minister he recently sacked....[Czech Republic untransparency Jiří Pospíšil]

Glossary of difficult words

resolve - firm determination to do something; 

shrouded - covered, enveloped; 

recently sacked justice minister - Jiří Pospíšil.


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FS Final Word