Final Word from Tuesday, June 19, 2012
When Petr Nečas said last week that a gang of police colonels or
lieutenant colonels will not decide who is in his cabinet, he was
referring to a suggestion from MP Ivan Ohlídal of ČSSD that
Miroslav Kalousek might be lying by saying a price valuation
wasn't needed in the CASA deal. Kalousek's big problem is that
for his little defense club (Vlasta Parkanová, Martin Barták,
Jaroslav Kopřiva, Richard Háva) the Spanish idiom "mi casa es tu
casa" takes on a whole new meaning. If one of them goes down
because of the overpriced Spanish planes, they all crash. It might
not even matter if such defense deals do or do not require price
appraisals if the police get hold of the secret Liechtenstein
accounts where all the extra money presumably ended up.
Wouldn't it be something if these same accounts were included
on the stolen CD from Vaduz that Kalousek had said in 2010
contained no accounts of any interest.[Czech Republic DVD disk disc Germany LGT Bank]
Glossary of difficult words
mis casa es tu casa - my house is your house (make yourself at home); or the new meaning, "my CASA problem is your CASA problem";
CD - the finance ministry received a disk from Germany that had been stolen by a bank official. It contained the bank accounts in Liechtenstein of a few Czechs, but the finance ministry under Miroslav Kalousek said they had all paid their taxes.