Final Word from Thursday, October 21, 2010

What does it mean for a woman to be influential in Czech business? It's not an easy question, given that the CR doesn't have its own Yelena Baturina (unless little-seen Jitka Komár-ková counts). Auditor Magdalena Souček of E&Y and lawyer Vladimíra Glatzová are clearly among the more influential businesswomen, given their interaction with clients and their frequent articles in the press. But what about Muriel Anton of Vodafone or Libuše Šmuclerová of Ringier, who ranked at the top of HN's annual survey? They no doubt have significant influence within their companies, or they wouldn't last long as GM. But they represent stagnating sectors and aren't very visible. In terms of pure influence on the forming of the business environment, lobbyist Jana Marcová of PAN Solutions and journalists Lenka Zlámalová of LN, Zuzana Kubátová of HN and Jana Klímová of MFD probably rank higher but aren't on HN's list. Partly because they don't represent a business opportunity for the headhunters who did the voting.[Czech Republic Ernst & Young Glatzová & Co.]

Glossary of difficult words

Yelena Baturina - Russia’s richest woman, wife of former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov;

Jitka Komárková - co-owner of Bonatrans; sister of Karel Komárek Jr.;

interaction - reciprocal action or influence;

GM - general manager.


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FS Final Word