Final Word from Monday, March 17, 2025

The death knell for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty was sounded on Sept. 8, 2020, when it launched the Hungarian-language site Szabad Európa. The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 document said in 2023 on Page 237 that the Hungarian-language service "falls outside the intended scope of RFE/RL's charter by targeting a democratically elected, pro-American European and Nato ally." Viktor Orbán, who was being targeted, said in Neue Zürcher Zeitung on Feb. 3 that the Democrats hated his government and supported all organizations and media in Hungary that were against him. "Trump has put an end to this," he said. By talking now about taking over the funding of RFE, Czech Foreign Min. Jan Lipavský and Interior Min. Vít Rakušan are overlooking one major detail. By law, RFE must act in a way that is "consistent with the broad foreign-policy objectives of the United States." So if RFE continues to exist in any form at all, it will have to promote Donald Trump's foreign-policy agenda. [ Czech Republic Mandate for Leadership Republican Party Hungary PM Prime Minister ]

Glossary of difficult words

knell - the sound of a bell, esp. when rung solemnly for a death or funeral;

to sound - to emit or cause to emit sound;

to overlook - to fail to notice; to ignore or disregard.

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