CNN Prima News, which PM Petr Fiala recently called a sort of opposition TV, has cleverly deprived Czech TV of one of its key pro-government weapons. By starting to run weekly STEM election polls that are tied in with its Partie debate show, the Czech CNN has stripped ČT's competing OVM show of the ability to set the agenda in terms of election forecasting. There are now so many STEM polls that it's like when Donald Trump started signing one executive order after another; the Democrats simply couldn't keep up. And neither can Václav Moravec of ČT. Admitting defeat, he didn't even bother to announce the latest monthly Kantar results during his show yesterday. They were instead announced during the evening news on Sat. night. A year ago Fiala told CzechCrunch that he, as a political scientist, knows how to use polling methodology to get any result you want. If he wants to use Czech TV to help save democracy, he's going to have to find a tool other than Kantar election polls. [ Czech Republic Television opinion forecast rig rigging ]
Glossary of difficult words
to deprive someone of - to prevent (a person or place) from having or using something;
to strip someone of - to deprive someone of something; to take something from someone.