Final Word from Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Austrian Pres. Alexander Van der Bellen, who was never able to hide his dislike for FPÖ Chair Herbert Kickl, said yesterday that it wasn't easy for him to ask Kickl to try to form a new government. Replace "Van der Bellen" in that sentence with "Petr Pavel" and "Herbert Kickl" with "Andrej Babiš," and it might be something Czechs hear later this year. Pavel said in his New Year's address that he'll be active in this election year, with the goal of making room for an honest and substantive debate. He was more honest about his intentions in Nov., when he told Blesk that he'll do everything he can so that the elections turn out the way he wants them to. Pavel added that he probably won't endorse anyone, because he doesn't want to influence the outcome. Taken together, Pavel's rather clear strategy is to try to influence the elections and the formation of the next government in a way that doesn't compromise his own position as an impartial arbiter. That strategy didn't work out very well for Van der Bellen. [ Czech Republic Greens ANO parliamentary ]

Glossary of difficult words

substantive - having a firm basis in reality and so important, meaningful, or considerable;

to endorse - to declare one's public approval or support of.


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