Final Word from Tuesday, July 30, 2019

One of the eight impeachable offenses set forth in the complaint approved last week by 48 senators is the refusal of Miloš Zeman in June 2013 to appoint Miroslava Němcová of ODS as PM of a new coalition government. Zeman was informed by Němcová that there was a majority of at least 101 MPs for such a government, according to the complaint. "The president may of course attempt to see to it that another majority comprised of other entities is formed, but he must aim his efforts toward at least the hypothetical possibility of winning such support. In the matter at hand, it was clear that no other majority was possible." Senators also write in the complaint that the stated intention to violate the Constitution is itself a violation of the Constitution. Among those voting to remove Zeman was Sen. Jiří Drahoš. As a presidential candidate, he said that he would not appoint Andrej Babiš as PM, even if House Speaker Radek Vondráček asked him on the third attempt to do so. In the matter at hand, it was clear that no other majority was possible. By voting to impeach Zeman, Drahoš also in a sense impeached himself. [ Czech Republic constitutional impeachment removal from office ]

Glossary of difficult words

impeachable offense - a violation for which a public official may legally be removed from office;

third attempt - if a third attempt to form a government is needed, the PM is nominated by the speaker of the House and appointed by the president.


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FS Final Word