Final Word from Thursday, March 15, 2018

If we take seriously for a moment the idea that a tasteless joke by the Czech president about eliminating journalists can lead to the contract killing of two young people in Eastern Slovakia, we might also consider where the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy in the U.K. can lead. In both cases drastic conclusions are being drawn based on uncertain causal relationships. The government is falling in Slovakia, and ex-Amb. to Russia and Ukraine Jaroslav Bašta spoke on Czech Radio last night of the danger of where the second incident might conceivably lead - to Nato Article 5 military engagement. The world is increasingly trigger-happy and is currently fighting 10-20 wars, depending on how you define them. It's ironic that in the CR, it is only the Communist Party that is insisting on adherence to the Nato treaty and U.N. Charter before launching military action. The sad reality is that the more advanced our Western civilization becomes, the more easily it goes to war. [Czech Republic KSČM Miloš Zeman Ján Kuciak]

Glossary of difficult words

causal - expressing or indicating cause;

trigger-happy - ready to react violently, esp. by shooting, on the slightest provocation;

adherence - the act, action, or quality of binding oneself to observance of something.


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FS Final Word