Final Word from Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Andrej Babiš has a problem with women. Not in the way that many womanizing politicians do, or last least not as far as anyone knows. His problem is keeping his women in line. He managed his initial discord with Věra Jourová quite well by bumping her up and out of Czech politics, but he hasn't had as much luck with Radmila Kleslová, Adriana Krnáčová and Karla Šlechtová. They're at the center of a very visible fight for control of Prague city hall. They all want the same thing, a city run by ANO and ČSSD, although Šlechtová seems to be on ČSSD's side and not ANO's. She's the bigger problem for Babiš long-term, but the immediate issue is Krnáčová. Even Babiš's own newspaper, MFD, acknowledges that she has to go. The best solution would be to bump her up and out as well. But where to? ANO still doesn't have a campaign manager for the regional elections. That job comes with the advantage of automatically expiring in 14 months. [Czech Republic 2016 European Commissioner EU regional development]

Glossary of difficult words

to womanize - (of a man) to chase women; to engage in numerous casual sexual affairs with women;

discord - disagreement between people;

to bump someone up and out - to raise someone to a higher category or level, thereby removing him or her from the center of activity.


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FS Final Word