Final Word from Monday, August 24, 2015

Andrej Babiš has come under scrutiny for his conflicts of interest as first vice prime minister, finance minister, owner of Agrofert, recipient of state and EU subsidies and media owner, but the Agrotec bid-rigging case at Česká pošta takes the debate to a new level. The police have recommended to the state prosecutor that formal charges be filed against 14 people and seven companies, including Babiš's Agrotec. Babiš said in Právo on Sat. that Agrotec didn't rig anything, and he suggested that the company was set up by people from Milan Chovanec's home turf in Pilsen. Should Babiš, as an agent of the state, be sending public messages to another agent of the state, the prosecutor, esp. given that the justice minister, Robert Pelikán, is his own political appointee? Babiš is siding with Agrotec over the state. Is this "merely" another of his conflicts of interest, or does it even amount to abuse of power? This is one for the lawyers. [Czech Republic Czech Post Office ANO European Union ČSSD Interior Minister]

Glossary of difficult words

case study - a particular instance of something used or analyzed in order to illustrate a thesis or principle;

bid-rigging - a scheme in which businesses collude so that a bidder can secure a contract for goods or services at a predetermined price;

to set someone up - to make an innocent person appear guilty of something;

turf - an area regarded as one's personal territory; one's home ground;

to side with - to support someone in a conflict or debate.


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