Final Word from Monday, November 12, 2012

Just days after the coalition won support for its tax package and linked it to a confidence vote, PM Petr Nečas told MFD that his cabinet will adopt a less-ambitious tempo for reducing the public-sector debt. When the cabinet passed its official program, it listed balancing the budget in 2016 as a priority. Now, Nečas said, it will be enough to keep the deficit below 3% of GDP for 2013-2015. Not to be outdone, ČSSD Chair Bohuslav Sobotka reneged yesterday on his party's vow to return the two VAT rates to their current level after his party takes over the government. Owner Tomáš Březina of Best tile maker said yesterday on OVM that he doesn't know who is the Right and who is the Left. Could that be the real reason ČSSD is spurning ODS in the regions and founding governments with the Communists? Because it wants to prolong the charade that there is a discernible difference between the Left and the Right?[KSČM TV Prima Czech TV Václav Moravec agenda value-added tax]

Glossary of difficult words

not to be outdone - not to be surpassed or eclipsed;

to renege on something - to go back on a promise, undertaking or contract;

to spurn someone - to reject someone with disdain or contempt;

charade - an absurd pretence intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance;

discernible - visible, detectable.


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FS Final Word