Final Word from Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Does anyone know what the Czech government's China policy is? Does the Czech government itself know? The approved government program makes no direct reference to China. When PM Petr Nečas condemned "Dalai-Lamaism" at the Brno industrial fair in Sept., his foreign minister, Karel Schwarzenberg, said that he was horrified to hear Nečas bow his head in such a way to a country that suppresses human rights. ODS had a great opportunity to set the record straight at its weekend congress, but nary a word was said about China. The document produced for the congress talked about creating a Transatlantic Free Trade Zone but was quiet on the huge trade deficit with China or the policies that are causing it. One day later Pres. Václav Klaus met with China's PM and said that it's necessary to speak positively with China. Is this the Czech government's new China policy? Or perhaps only PPF's?[prime minister Chinese Wen Jiabao]

Glossary of difficult words

to suppress - to forcibly put an end to;

to set/put the record straight - to give the true version of events that have been reported incorrectly;

nary - informal form of "not."

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