Final Word from Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Petr Nečas said on "Krásný ztráty" that he thinks the PM position should be demythicized,because the premier is merely the country's No. 1 clerk. In his media appearances,Miroslav Kalousek takes Nečas up on this and routinely demeans the PM post- and Nečas himself - by stating that the prime minister is just one minister amongequals. Kalousek even oversteps the Constitution at times by usurping Nečas's powers,most recently by deciding without Nečas's knowledge to file a lawsuit against thestrike. The situation is clearly out of control and begs for a solution. Nečas won't darefire Kalousek, so perhaps it's time for Václav Klaus to make it official by appointingKalousek as co-prime minister. A pack of lawyers can be found to justify it under theConstitution (what isn't banned is allowed, right?). Or perhaps, for the country's sake,Kalousek could at least pretend for awhile that he's just one minister among equals.
Glossary of difficult words
dual - consisting of two parts, elements or aspects;
to demythicize - to remove the attribute of a mythical character;
to take someone up on something - to accept (an offer of challenge) from someone;
to demean - to cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for someone or something;
to overstep - to violate (a rule or standard of behavior).