Final Word from Wednesday, March 2, 2011

HN's new editor-in-chief, Petr Šabata, has been on the job for a month, and a slightshift in the business newspaper's reporting is evident. It's devoting more space nowto corporate news and has become somewhat less of a general newspaper that triesto compete head-to-head with MFD or LN. Šabata spoke in early interviews abouttargeting the newsstand market more, but how many of HN's potential core readersactually visit newsstands? More important, as we see it, is for HN to head directlyfor the high end of the market and to treat every reader as if he or she is, or soonwill be, included in the Capgemini World Wealth Report of individuals with morethan $1m in investable assets. It's an oddity that the CR's free business daily, E15,speaks more intelligently to its readers than the relatively high-priced Czech equivalentof the FT. It shouldn't take much tweaking for HN to rectify this, though.

Glossary of difficult words

corporate news - news about individual companies and their issues;

core - primary, main;

investable assets - money that can be used for investment, which usually excludes the value of one’s primary residence;

oddity - a strange or peculiar person, thing or trait;

FT - Financial Times;

to tweak - to improve something by making fine adjustments to it;

to rectify - to put something right; to correct.


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FS Final Word