Final Word from Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tucked away on Page 81 of the proposed energy policy statement is one of the document's most-important sentences: "Orientation on the export character of electric energy remains a significant element of energy policy." Deciphered, this means the CR will extend coal-mining limits, reopen uranium mines, build new nuclear plants and drape the landscape with windmills partly so that Germans, Poles and other energy-deficient neighbors can keep their lights on. The CR is supposed to boost its role as a regional energy champion. Czechs will need to decide whether they want to forfeit their own long-term energy security in the name of short- and mid-term profits for ČEZ, EPH and their power-plant builders - profits that will derive from rapidly depleting the CR's natural resources. The cabinet hasn't formally addressed this yet, but PM Jan Fischer gave it a strong endorsement in Parliament yesterday.[Czech Republic EP Holding J&T Škoda Plzeň]

Glossary of difficult words

to tuck away - to put something in an inconspicuous or concealed place;

to decipher - to convert into normal language; to succeed in understanding, interpreting or identifying something;

powerhouse - power plant; a person or thing of great energy, strength or power;

to drape - to cover or wrap something;

deficient - not having enough of something;

to forfeit - to lose or give up something as a necessary consequence of something else;

EPH - EP Holding, a joint venture of J&T and PPF;

to deplete - to use up the supply of;

Fischer - see 13:15 of Fischer's recorded statement in Parliament to hear his comment in Czech about the energy policy.


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FS Final Word