Final Word from Friday, March 13, 2009

A conformist is someone who goes with the flow, doesn't make waves and only lifts his head when the coast is clear. Conformists in influential positions have a herd mentality and like to prove their points by citing fellow experts trained at Don't Rock the Boat University, which supplies most of the world's Nobel Prize winners. No conformists saw the crisis coming, because they were too busy explaining why growth is the do-all and end-all, current-account deficits don't matter, and boxers are better than briefs. Now that the crisis is upon us, they've all retroactively spotted the cause and have prescribed more of the same as the cure. Some of the brightest have enacted a CYA strategy for the inevitable eventuality that more of the same doesn't work. It should have been even more of more of the same, they are already saying. No matter what happens, they'll all proclaim in unison: "Told you so!"[Czech Republic economists economy cover your ass]

Glossary of difficult words

physiology - the way in which a living organism functions;

to go with the flow - to relax and accept a situation;

to make waves - to cause trouble;

coast is clear - there is no danger of being observed or caught;

herd - a large group of animals (who act together);

to rock the boat - to say or do something to upset an existing situation;

do-all and end-all - the only and most important thing;

boxers or briefs - two types of men's underwear (used here to suggest that "experts" often talk about unimportant things and overlook the important ones);

CYA - cover your ass (take precautions in advance to defend a possible mistake later);

in unison - together, with one voice.


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FS Final Word