Final Word from Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's 2028, and Nguyen Thi Hoi has been elected president of the Bohemian-Moravian Republic (Bohmor, for short). Hoi, born of a Czech mother and Vietnamese father, won 95% of the Vietnamese vote and the support of 43% of whites, 66% of Romany, 78% of Jews, 89% of Muslims, and 66% of the under-30 vote. He ran on a change agenda, promising to reintegrate the country into the European community after years of rightwing imperialism and financial profligacy. His victory is the most significant event in Bohmor politics since 2008, when the greencard law led to a historic rise in immigration. Eight years later the name of the country was changed to Bohmor, when it was deemed that the "Czech" Republic was ethnically insensitive and no longer reflected the melting-pot culture. Although Hoi won only 52% of the popular vote in this year's election, he vowed to be the president of all Bohmorans.[Czech Republic Barack Obama United States of America]

Glossary of difficult words

It's a new day - a song by that celebrates the victory of Barack Obama;

Nguyen Thi Hoi - a fictional name;

percentages - if you substitute "black" for "Vietnamese" and "Hispanic" for "Romany," all the percentages match Obama's results in the U.S. elections;

profligacy - the wasteful use of resources.


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FS Final Word