Final Word from Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Comparisons of Václav Klaus and Eliot Spitzer were inevitable. They both have strong opinions and share a predilection for meeting with young women in hotel rooms. Spitzer is a self-righteous moralizer who was caught breaking his own espoused ethical code. Likewise, when Klaus talks about Christian values and the importance of the family but then runs around on poor Livia, a degree of hypocrisy is evident. But Klaus's statements are missing Spitzer's moralizing. Instead, there seems to be a deeper acceptance on Klaus's part that beyond our innate human condition or frailties, there's the overriding obligation to procreate. So no matter if we are skirt-chasing politicians, confirmed homosexuals, nymphomaniacs with an eye for the gardener, or cheated-on spouses, it's human to let nature take its course, as long as we remember our main task of creating and maintaining a family.[Czech Republic morality New York governor]
Glossary of difficult words
Eliot Spitzer - governor of New York, now in the news for hiring a prostitute;
predilection - a preference or special liking for something;
self-righteous - having a certainty that one is morally superior;
to espouse - to adopt or support a cause;
to run around on someone - to cheat on someone, have an affair;
innate - inborn, natural;
frailty - weakness in character or morals;
procreate - to produce young, reproduce;
to have an eye for someone - to take a liking to.