Final Word from Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Zdeněk Škromach of ČSSD told Impuls radio that it'd be a devilish move if Miloš Zeman struck a deal with Mirek Topolánek and became ODS's candidate for president. Most of ČSSD's members would support him, he said. Pavel Verner of Právo asked why Topolánek would waste the opportunity to get rid of Václav Klaus if the occasion arose, but it seems increasingly unlikely that the tarnished Zeman could be the replacement candidate. More likely is Senate President Přemysl Sobotka. He's distinguished enough to be head of state but unremarkable enough to pose little threat to the party structures. No one but the Klaus faction wants another strong president. Sobotka has been building up his presidential qualifications and has a big advantage over other possible candidates: He's popular in the Senate. It could be the Senate, and not the House, that decides on the next president.[Czech Republic Parliament]


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