Final Word from Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mirek Topolánek's take-control attitude earned him the moniker of "dictator" from Vlastimil Tlustý, but it was founded in the knowledge that indirect backing from Miloš Zeman would win him confirmation in Parliament. Topolánek's assertiveness continues and is being put to use in support of missile defense. This time, though, it's hard to grasp where the confidence comes from. The Greens are against the radar station, says MP Ondřej Liška, and Jiří Paroubek knows that 80-90% of ČSSD's members are too. ČSSD will only fall into line if public opinion is firmly on its side. Topolánek has promised a PR campaign, but if it's too blatant, ODS risks being accused of the same kind of manipulation that it accused ČSSD of in the EU-accession campaign. If Topolánek is counting on Zeman again, it would require a major reversal; Zeman has repeatedly spoken against missile defense in the past.[Czech Republic European Union United States of America USA U.S. Party]


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