Final Word from Thursday, January 11, 2007

"Miloš Zeman's influence is overrated," is a common refrain in Prague these days. Some of the skepticism comes from Klaus supporters who don't want any competition in the 2008 presidential race. Zeman is the only person who could seriously challenge the professor, unless a surprise candidate arises from the Havel camp. Even many Klaus detractors must admit, though, that Zeman is doubtful presidential material. He's crude and rude and doesn't even enjoy the full support of ČSSD. His health is also a question. But to underrate Zeman is a mistake. He successfully exterminated two prime "rats" - Špidla and Gross - and usually achieves what he sets his mind to. Uncertainty over Zeman's next step could help explain Klaus's recent panic attacks. Unless he fears a Zeman-Topol deal, for example, why would Klaus bring up the idea of political corruption in the cabinet-approval process? Corruption is always a topic best left alone by Klaus.[Czech Republic Václav Vladimír Stanislav Mirek Topolánek deratization]


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