Final Word from Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The first 10 days of January have said nearly as much about what is truly happening on the Czech political scene as the seven months that came before. It should now be crystal clear that Václav Klaus wants a grand coalition + 1; that Pavel Bém dreams of being the grand-coalition prime minister; that Mirek Topolánek is willing to bet his political career to prevent it; and that Miloš Zeman is essentially the only thing standing in the way of its becoming a reality. What still isn't clear is whether Topolánek is willing to do the presidential deal with Zeman necessary for allowing the new ODS-KDU-Green government to win approval. A group of 10 or so Zeman loyalists could come forward and agree to back the new government in exchange for a no-reform agenda and early elections. Topolánek's recent take-no-prisoner attitude only makes sense if he has already set these wheels in motion. [Czech Republic KDU-ČSL plus one premier]