Final Word from Friday, October 6, 2006

What better way for the government to show it's in control than to announce that there's an unspecified terrorist threat, send the police into the streets with automatic weapons, and then take credit when no attack occurs? Governments across the globe have perfected this practice, especially shortly before elections. It's considered almost unpatriotic to question the legitimacy of the terrorist alerts, yet the room for political abuse is huge. Whether ODS was abusing the situation two weeks ago is uncertain, because no one with access to information is talking - except a vague source that told Jaroslav Kmenta of MFD that dozens of Jews were to be kidnapped and murdered 300 yards from Wenceslas Square in Prague. No confirmation, no denial, just an unknown source close to the intelligence services. ODS looks in control, and MFD sells lots of newspapers. Mission accomplished.[Czech Republic Muslim Islamic terrorism MF Dnes]


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FS Final Word