Final Word from Monday, August 14, 2006

Negotiations on the formation of a new government are far from over, but a compromise between hard-headed Mirek Topolánek and even harder-headed Jiří Paroubek is taking shape. ODS will likely put together a one-party minority cabinet that is tolerated by ČSSD, but both sides will accept the importance of avoiding the semblance of a grand coalition or opposition agreement that blatantly divides power between them. Instead, they'll agree on a few fundamental issues and continue the political battle in all other less-important areas. They'll agree to cover up certain financial scandals and to respect each other's business deals; to change the electoral law to strengthen the two-party system; and to re-elect Václav Klaus. These are the real issues concerning them; cutthroat battles over flat taxes, budget deficits or missile-defense bases are just entertainment for the masses.[Czech Republic presidential elections]


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