Final Word from Wednesday, August 9, 2006

After Tony Soprano recovered from a bullet to the gut, he had to show his clan that he was still in charge. So he picked a fight with the biggest brute he could find and beat the crap out of him. Václav Klaus, weakened by his mother's death and by credible claims from Green Chairman Martin Bursík that he's mainly interested in getting reelected, tried yesterday to reestablish his authority by (figuratively) socking Bursík in the jaw and calling his other critics juvenile. Klaus has a plan for ending the stalemate in Parliament. He didn't specify it, but it will likely include a reversal of his unwillingness to give Jiří Paroubek a chance to form a government. But only after Mirek Topolánek is given an official chance to fail. Government-building will now likely return to square one, with the notable exception that Klaus will start looking more and more like the one in charge.[Czech Republic The Sopranos ČSSD ODS cabinet]


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FS Final Word