Final Word from Wednesday, May 31, 2006

ČSSD is involved with organized crime, including contract killings, and ODS is mounting a coup against the ČSSD-led government. That's what ODS and ČSSD are telling us in the final days of Smear Month. The latest scandal - the alleged infiltration of organized crime into the highest echelons of the government - could further disgust voters and give a boost to the two main protest parties, the Communists and the Greens. ČSSD should perhaps again be concerned about coming in third in the elections behind ODS and the Communists. A strong protest vote and weak showings by both ČSSD and ODS as a result of this week's crossfire could arithmetically increase the chances of an ODS-ČSSD grand coalition or a broad coalition of ODS-ČSSD-KDU. This could also mean the end of Jiří Paroubek. He's been trying desperately all month to keep the cloud of corruption from descending on him, and now voters will render their verdict.[Czech Republic Jan Kubice ÚOOZ gangsterism putschist practices]


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FS Final Word