Final Word from Monday, January 23, 2006

The Democrats are starting to talk about impeaching George W. Bush because of the warrantless wiretapping of U.S. citizens. Al Gore came down the hardest, saying that Bush repeatedly broke the law. In the CR, Právo reported today that the BIS counterintelligence agency planned to begin monitoring cellphone communications. It informed the cabinet of this in Nov., before the spy scandal erupted in the U.S. BIS is now backtracking, saying that it doesn't plan to "monitor" cellphone activity. Without a court order, such fishing trips would be illegal, Právo noted. The Democrats in the U.S. are using the same argument against Bush. Tomáš Pitr of Setuza told ČT24 that all important people in the CR already assume their phones are tapped. If the cabinet did indeed agree to spread the net even wider, its position would be weaker than Bush's, because the CR isn't in a state of war. [Czech Republic United States eavedropping wiretapping mobile phones telephones Czech Television Václav Moravec]


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