Final Word from Thursday, December 15, 2005

A new billboard refers facetiously to KDU-ČSL Chair Miroslav Kalousek as the most-honest person in the country. Despite its Christian foundations (or perhaps because of them), KDU is often seen as the most hypocritical party. It's willing to work with almost anyone, as long as the price is right. It is warning now against a minority ČSSD cabinet supported by the Communists, but it's essentially sitting in just this kind of cabinet today. Putting prejudices aside, though, KDU does indeed act at times as a "calming force" among ČSSD, ODS and the Communists. It could play this moderating role in a rainbow coalition with ČSSD and ODS, or even in a minority government alone with either ČSSD or ODS. As always, KDU wants to be the kingmaker. And it's not totally out of the question that the CR's "most-honest" person will be the king himself. Under certain scenarios, Kalousek could end up being the best choice as the CR's next prime minister. [Czech Republic Christian Democratic Union KSČM]


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