Final Word from Monday, October 24, 2005

The fight between Jiří Paroubek and Václav Klaus over the appointment of David Rath as health minister could be just a warm-up for what is to come. Paroubek is threatening to turn to the Constitutional Court unless Klaus agrees to appoint Rath, but Klaus would likely win this time. It could get much uglier if Klaus tries to stand in Paroubek's way after the elections. There are several scenarios for how this could happen, but perhaps the most likely is a refusal by Klaus to appoint a ČSSD government supported by the Communists. This would have its ideological dimension, of course, but also a very practical one for Klaus. An agreement between ČSSD and the Communists on forming the next government would also likely include a deal on the next president. If Paroubek remained premier, Miloš Zeman could start counting the days until he claimed sweet revenge. So when Klaus sees Rath, he might actually feel the wrath of Zeman.[Czech Republic KSČM Communist Party]


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