Final Word from Friday, October 21, 2005

Saddam Hussein and Viktor Kožený are both rotting in jail thanks to the Yanks, but this isn't the only similarity between the two. They both used weapons of mass destruction against their people. In Kožený's case, it was a weapon called "coupon privatization," from which the people are still recovering. They both also claim that the courts have no jurisdiction over them. Saddam refuses to accept that he's no longer president of Iraq, while Kožený claims diplomatic immunity as Grenada's consular in the Bahamas. Certain Americans were accomplices in their crimes, they both say, which somehow is supposed to make everything okay. Saddam might be looking for leniency in return for not revealing some of America's dark secrets. And what about Kožený? Couldn't he share a few secrets about how he and some of his political friends arranged things in the CR? It might be worth knocking a few years off his sentence to get the inside scoop. [Czech Republic Václav Klaus voucher]


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