Final Word from Wednesday, October 12, 2005

One of the more interesting aspects of the parliamentary investigation into the Unipetrol privatization is the role of the Communists. Premier Jiří Paroubek famously changed his mind about not agreeing to a commission after meeting with KSČM Chairman Miroslav Grebeníček (now the ex-chair). MP Martin Říman of ODS indicated that KSČM put a knife to ČSSD's throat because it was afraid it would suffer in voters' eyes if it didn't go after the alleged corruption. The Communists now have a good chance to head the parliamentary commission. This would give the party tremendous visibility and bring it a step closer to full legitimacy, but it would also present a considerable risk. If the commission comes up empty-handed (whether intentionally or for lack of evidence), its chairman will look like a co-conspirator. This could be the kiss of death for a Communist Party that has cultivated an image of honesty and integrity since 1990.[Czech Republic ČSSD Social Democrats]


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