Final Word from Tuesday, August 30, 2005

When CME bought TV Nova, it assured its investors that it'd be able to recoup the cost by raising Nova's advertising rates. After President Václav Klaus signed the law yesterday for banning commercials on Czech TV, CME can report that it's well on its way. Klaus has an alibi for signing such revolutionary legislation, which in this case serves mainly the two commercial TV stations. He's set an informal veto rate of 5% and says that by adhering to it, he's maintaining his position as an "active" but not "activistic" president. More appropriate might be "atavistic." By using an alibi instead of justifying his signing decisions, Klaus is forsaking his role as the final check and balance for a government and legislature that are unduly influenced by special-interest groups. An active and responsible president would explain why he thinks handing a Kč 700m gift to CME is such a good idea.[Czech Republic Television Central European Media Enterprises CETV TV Prima]


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FS Final Word