Final Word from Wednesday, August 17, 2005

There are three basic reasons for condoning immigration: To promote diversification of the population, to provide asylum, or to benefit from cheap labor. The main reason Czech officials give for opening the borders wider isn't multiculturalism or humanitarianism. Foreigners are needed instead to keep the social-security system afloat. The premise is that the foreigners will contribute to the pension system without benefiting from it. This is similar to the indentured servitude of colonial times. Yet the servants must eventually be given full rights (including pension benefits) or sent home and replaced by others. It's a sort of pyramid scheme that eventually has to collapse. The only real solution to the pension problem - short of default or outright slavery - is to reduce the taxes, bureaucracy and waste that are deforming the labor market and keeping 10% of the free population out of work.[Czech Republic Ponzi]


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FS Final Word