Final Word from Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Both Euro and Týden featured Premier Jiří Paroubek dressed in the black uniform of a riot policeman. Or perhaps it was Darth Vader, as Respekt hinted on its own cover. Indeed, Paroubek will have to decide whether to go over to the Dark Side. He'll choose a new culture minister this week and has two options. He can either go for the safe candidate, actor Vítězslav Jandák, or he can risk a galactic war by choosing director Vladimír Darjanin. If only half the things being said about Darjanin are true (arrogance, incompetence, big-time corruption), he's not exactly a Jedi knight. So far, Paroubek has thrived on confrontation, and the choice of Darjanin would fit the mold. Perhaps the best Paroubek's critics can hope for is that he'll seek partial redemption by announcing the resignation of CzechTek Minister František Bublan at the same time that he calls on Darjanin to join the Empire.[Czech Republic Star Wars Return of the Jedi Pavel Dostál Interior]


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