Final Word from Tuesday, August 9, 2005

In two weekend interviews (MFD and LN), ODS Chair Mirek Topolánek explained his recent silence by saying he was using a Taekwondo tactic against Premier Jiří Paroubek. He was employing Paroubek's own strength against him so that Paroubek would defeat himself. Topolánek would have done better to refer to Aikido, which is the martial art most closely associated with turning an opponent's strength against him. Taekwondo is the "art of kicking and smashing" and isn't very subtle, once employed. Some Taekwondo instructors teach their students to avoid a conflict at all cost. Running is the best defense, they say. But if violence can't be avoided, the trained Taekwondo practitioner should aim to kill. This is where Topolánek stands today. There can be no more running; the opponent has struck; now we're waiting for Topolánek's death blow. (Still waiting.)[Czech Republic MF Dnes Lidové noviny karate tae kwon do ČSSD]


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FS Final Word