Final Word from Thursday, April 28, 2005

How very nice of Prague Mayor Pavel Bém to praise Premier Jiří Paroubek! Bém was virtually the only member of the opposition who had nice words for the man standing between ODS and early elections. Bém's praise raised eyebrows, and unhappy voices within ODS are also complaining that Václav Klaus should have done more to force an early ballot. Was this all part of a grand plan? Bém and Paroubek have a history at city hall and, from Klaus's perspective, would make a good tandem at the top of an ODS-ČSSD coalition cabinet after the elections. A city-hall-like arrangement on the national level would be good for "family" business and could ultimately help marginalize ČSSD. The Communists (whom Klaus needs for reelection) would be pleased. For it to work, Klaus will first have to orchestrate the unseating of Mirek Topolánek as ODS chairman. [Czech Republic prime minister Communist Party KSČM]


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