Final Word from Tuesday, April 5, 2005

An unanswered question arising from the political crisis is whether Václav Klaus has already agreed with the Communists on his reelection. Are they following a mutual plan, or will the Communists decide retrospectively whether to support him? The pro-Klaus media, including MF Dnes and Euro, are declaring that "Klaus is trying to hold back the Communists" and that "Klaus is the last guarantee against direct Communist influence," but in fact nearly every move Klaus has made in the crisis has benefited the Communists. He is systematically crippling Stanislav Gross and ČSSD by helping to dismantle the coalition and by refusing to allow the cabinet to be reshuffled. Klaus's desire to get reelected is understandable, and support from the political parties is more reliable than direct elections. But the price is an increasingly powerful Communist Party. [Czech Republic president MFD magazine KSČM presidential reelection]


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