Final Word from Monday, December 6, 2004

There's the old joke about the stewardess Leonid Brezhnev meets on an Aeroflot flight. She refuses to go to dinner with him until he opens the borders of the Soviet Union. When everyone flees to the West, Brezhnev says joyfully, "I knew she wanted to be alone with me." Does ČSSD Chair and Premier Stanislav Gross want to be left alone with his popular education minister, Petra Buzková? He said on Sat. that ČSSD needs to get rid of everyone who's hurting the party. Hmm, there wouldn't be many people left. Actually, he might be the first to go. Zdeněk Škromach noted that Gross's threat to punish disloyalty within ČSSD smacks of George W. Bush's "those who aren't with us are against us." Bush, too, is eliminating dissent. Doonesbury, a popular American political cartoon, joked that Bush is creating a new cabinet post, secretary of toady affairs. The big difference is that Bush won his elections. Czech Republic


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FS Final Word