Final Word from Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Voters on the left who fear the Communists have been put in a difficult position. Under Stanislav Gross, ČSSD has fallen into the arms of the Communists, first by uniting with them to pass legislation against the will of KDU-ČSL and US-DEU, and now by openly supporting Communist Senate candidates against ODS. Can a leftist national coalition be far away, voters be willing? If ČSSD continues to embrace the Communists, the Green Party might logically become the anti-Communist protest vote on the left, just as US-DEU was the anti-ODS protest vote for several years on the right. When F1 radio asked Václav Havel last week whom he voted for in the last general elections, he initially couldn't remember that it was in fact the Greens. And that's exactly the party's problem. The doors are wide open for it, but it hasn't made a lasting impression so far.


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FS Final Word