Final Word from Wednesday, October 20, 2004

One of our regular readers thought we saw the ČSA aircraft tender too darkly. "If you have the feeling that nothing can be done right in this country," he asked, "why do you bother to stay?" Our answer probably isn't much different from the one many of our Czech readers would give. The CR is a wonderful country with wonderful people, but a few bad apples can spoil the barrel. The arrogance of power hasn't diminished with EU accession and has instead been supplemented by the attitude in official circles that it doesn't matter what people know about what's happening. "To hell with the public," officials seem to say, "we're going to do our little deals anyway!" These officials don't care that they're condemning their own children to grow up in a disaffected society that lacks national identity and pride. We're not giving up hope that this will eventually change.


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E.S. Best s.r.o.
Ovenecká 78/33
170 00 Prague 7
Czech Republic



FS Final Word